It's all coming a little too soon!

This is really just a test to see whether I can 'publish' something on this blog!With just under 4 weeks to go until I depart and with a surprising level of interest, mainly from sceptical friends who seem to think I'm making the whole thing up, I thought it would be a good idea to make sure the blog worked. So if anyone apart from my loving parents (and girlfriend) does actually want to check in and see what I'm up to, they can!As a further FYI, training has had its ups and downs up to this point. I managed to complete the property Cycle to MIPIM (1500KM in 6 days), but then managed to get a DVT whilst in HK with work! 10 days or so stuck in Asia (not exactly terrible), but I have been back in the UK putting in varying levels of training ever since.The litmus test for my fitness will be the Ride London 100 on Sunday 29th July, check back here for an update if you're interested.Catch me here on twitter @societea or here for Strava, because if its not on there, it didn't happen!(Photo below is a test too, I know I have a glove in my mouth!)20180708_085924


17 Days to go!


David's cycle down the American Pacific Coast