Day 8 - Bandon to Klamath (210.5Km)
It had to come.Today was hard. Tired legs, never ending fog, hills, a long way to go, head winds and still no lights (I'm working on that).Out for sunrise and on the road, the first 10km took forever. I was faced almost immediately with small hills, which didn't let up all day, a fog that refused to lift and an annoying drizzle that kept me cold and wet.Almost the first sign I noticed this morning was for Trees of Mystery. Not particularly interesting to me, but the 'miles to' was devastating. The first one read 125 miles and I knew the mystery was before my intended day finish!I guess it's my personality, but I find something quite psychologically difficult about distance markers. I try to go as long as possible without looking at my GPS when I ride and I actively look away from markers when I'm running. I really don't know why. I know how far I have to go, I just don't want to be reminded.Anyway, today I had no choice, 20ft advertising placards every 20 miles or so are hard to miss![wpvideo hrHPomhM]Fog, it basically followed me throughout the whole of Oregon. It got better and much worse in parts, depending where I was, but it was always there. It really felt a shame, the coastline and colours of the flora really are stunning. I'll be coming back at some point to see it at its best for sure.
As I crossed the border in to California the weather didn't change, the roads did though! It may have the same name, but 101 certainly feels a lot tighter and busier in CA. Still a pleasure to ride on, so no complaints here.Powering through, eventually I met my first and only cyclist of the day. Due to the weather he had got a bus down 101 in the morning and was planning on doing a leisurely 40 miles for the rest of the day. I explained to him that he was only cheating himself and that I was deeply disappointed, buses are for going backwards in, not forwards! - Joke! I wished him well and kicked on, conscious of my new phycosis #FOTO.Before the day began I debated stopping at Crescent City (circa 160km) or going to Klamath. I was feeling OK as I entered Crescent City, so went for it. As soon as I left the City a monster (in my eyes) hill appeared. Served me right. I battled on, feet cramping, back aching, mouth spitting special words, and eventually made it to the top.After a few false peaks and some small descents I was stopped along with the cars by road works. Then things got interesting. The workman in charge of the lights beckoned me to the front of the queue. ''First or last?'' he said. First. And with that he let me go. 3.5 miles of new road with cars chasing behind. What an end to the day...
It did cross my mind, but I decided not to stop at Trees of Mystery, their secrets will remain safe, for now!In to the motel and over to the casino across the road for dinner and WiFi. The day may have started and continued to be pretty hard work, but it ended on a high and I'm ready for tomorrow.Ps. Still no access to vegetables. That is my number one priority tomorrow.